Sometimes less is more. This is not one of those times. So stack those bracelets, bring on the big necklaces, and don’t forget to add a cocktail ring or two (or three…or four).
Photographs by Greg Sorensen. Styling by Brooke Magnaghi.
Our color theory? You can never have enough.
Ring in 18k gold with fire opal, $4,850, ring in 18k gold with yellow sapphire, $9,500, Elena Kriegner, NYC, 212-643-0060, elenakriegner.com; Crownwork ring in 18k gold with citrine and diamonds, $4,235, Crownwork Dome ring in 18k gold with amethyst and diamonds, $4,950, Ray Griffiths, NYC, 212-689-7209, raygriffiths.com; ring in 18k gold with aquamarine and diamonds, $11,900, Suna Brothers, NYC, 800-456-7862, sunabros.com; Oracle cuff in brass with moonstones, $425, Luna Reveal cuff in brass with moonstone, $385, Moon Age Dream necklace in 18k gold–plated brass with moonstone, $950, Pamela Love, NYC, 212-564-8260, ext. 305, pamelalovenyc.com; top: Haute Hippie
Swing for the fences with breezy hoops and a dangly cuff.
Eloise Z hoop earrings in 12k gold–plated brass, $55, Rachel Zoe for Global Brands Group, NYC, 646-839-7000, rachelzoe.com; Fringe bracelet in 18k gold–plated brass, $360, Arme De L’Amour, Miami, 786-768-2057, armedelamour.com; ring/pendant combo in 18k gold with smoky quartz and diamond accents, $4,725, Elena Kriegner, NYC, 212-643-0060, elenakriegner.com; ring in 18k gold with black onyx and diamonds, $8,570, Ray Griffiths, NYC, 212-689-7209, raygriffiths.com; top: Rachel Zoe
You know what they say: Go bib or go home.
Fun necklace in 18k gold–plated brass with Swarovski pearls, $560, Minetani at LUXE Intelligence, NYC, 212-398-9700, minetanikorea.com; Knob handcuff handlet in 14k gold with diamonds, $9,700, Borgioni at LUXE Intelligence, NYC, 212-398-9700, borgionis.com; Ice Cream ring in 18k gold with cachalong opal and diamonds, $6,000, Gumuchian, NYC, 212-593-9888, gumuchian.com; Chloe earrings in 18k gold with diamonds, $3,850, Melissa Kaye, NYC, 917-573-0388, melissakayejewelry.com; top: Elle Sasson; sunglasses: Bobbi Brown
Display your digital prowess with myriad multihued rings.
Thin bar studs with fringe in 14k gold, $570, Zoë Chicco, Los Angeles, 213-489-1226, zoechicco.com; ring in 14k gold with rutilated quartz and diamonds, $2,700, Estenza, San Francisco, 855-378-3692, estenza.com; open ring in 18k gold with blue-gray and pink tourmaline, $27,800, Mimi So, NYC, 212-300-8620, mimiso.com; ring in 18k gold with blue zircon and diamonds, $4,985, Ray Griffiths, NYC, 212-689-7209, raygriffiths.com; top: Amour Vert; sunglasses: Bobbi Brown
Get a glam Me Decade look with golden lobes and gilded wrists.
Asymmetric earrings in 18k gold with golden beryl and diamonds, $6,090, Lisa Nik, Los Angeles, 310-729-9760, lisanik.com; Meridian collar in brass with moonstone, $410, Pamela Love, NYC, 212-564-8260, ext. 305, pamelalovenyc.com; Rugiada two-finger ring in 18k gold with amethyst and chalcedony, $2,570, Mattioli, New Rochelle, N.Y., 800-827-7590, mattioligioielli.it; pyramid ring with rutilated quartz and diamonds, $2,550, Estenza, San Francisco, 855-378-3692, estenza.com; Josephine bangle in 18k gold with diamonds, $3,500, Melissa Kaye, NYC, 917-573-0388, melissakayejewelry.com; snake bangle in 18k gold and diamonds, $8,000, wave cuff in 18k gold with diamonds, $18,000, Malibu 18, Los Angeles, 800-742-8864, rahaminov.com; Radius bangle in 14k gold–plated brass, $120, Jefferson, Brooklyn, N.Y., 760-485-8826, jefferson-nyc.com; dress: Haute Hippie; clutch: Lee Savage