Poised for Growth
While Johnson Matthey predicted a slight dip in global demand for jewelry in the sturdy white metal, its Platinum 2013 Interim Review had good news for North American retailers: Platinum jewelry sales are expected to grow 11 percent in 2014.
One reason for the expected rise: the abundance of entry-level platinum bridal jewels on the market.
PGI U.S. president Huw Daniel confirmed that with engagement settings “starting as low as $1,500 retail, PGI continues to see a progression in the selection of extraordinary design-focused rings.”
Stuller in Lafayette, La., is seeing higher demand for platinum from its retail clients—spurring its design team to expand platinum bridal collections “at price points accessible to most consumers,” says Maren Rosen, executive director of merchandising.
While the gold price is now lower than platinum’s, the latter is a relative bargain. “The price difference between a new, entry-level platinum ring and a gold ring is not as great when you consider the maintenance required for a white gold piece,” says Mercury Ring CEO Phyllis Bergman.
Past Perfect
Semi-mount in platinum with 0.5 ct. t.w. diamonds and 0.2 ct. t.w. rubies; $2,100; Jessica Surloff, NYC; 212-575-2395; jessicasurloff.com
Jessica Surloff’s affinity for estate jewelry extends into her preferred metal: platinum. Her bridal line, which debuted in December, is inspired by Victorian, Edwardian, and Deco-era heirlooms. The pieces feature split shanks, filigree, piercing, gemstone accents, cartouches, and bow and floral spray motifs. “An engagement ring should have an everlasting style,” Surloff says. “My rings are new but developed from the past.”