JCK 5: How to Capitalize on the Postrecession Landscape

1. Be transparent, says Ellen Fruchtman. “Show prices and fully disclose your product’s features and benefits,” she says. “Today’s customers are very jewelry-savvy. Prices are important to them, but they still want value.”

2. Be available to customers everywhere they shop—in the store, online, through direct mail, or via social media. Buyers are pressed for time and can’t always shop during store hours. While you don’t necessarily need a shopping cart on your website, according to Fruchtman, your site should offer a strong presentation of your brand, what you stand for, and the products you sell.

3. Invite customers to creative, fun, non-selling events in your store or on your website, and get involved in ­community and charitable events, says Suzanne DeVries. “Even if they aren’t ready to buy now, they’ll remember you when they are,” she says. “And people like to do business with ­companies that get involved in the community.”

4 Carry and promote popular, affordable merchandise. “It draws in younger and other cost-conscious customers who might not have come in other­wise,” says Sally Furrer. “Once you establish a relationship, you have the opportunity to make them customers for life.”

5 Make sure your corporate brand ­message is consistent everywhere: your stores, ­displays, signage, website, direct mail, advertising, email, social media pages—even your stationery, ­Fruchtman says. ­Customers have numerous shopping options and are exposed to companies and brands in many ways and multiple venues. Everything they see, read, and hear should make them want to shop with you.

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