How can jewelers make engagement ring shopping as much fun for men as watching the Super Bowl? Here are five tips from Deb McShane of Wimmer’s Diamonds in Fargo, N.D.
1. Take the pressure off them by offering a beverage and a chair.
2. Get them smiling/laughing as soon as possible. I usually say: “Finding the right soul mate is the hard part of the equation; finding a ring is the easy part!”
3. Don’t get technical. Keep the focus on the romance of the ring.
4. Let them know that after they propose, they will most likely be on an “as needed to know basis” with the wedding planning!
5. Help them shine. “I tell them, ‘If it’s the wrong ring, blame it on me. Bring her in and we will start over. If it’s the right ring, you take all the credit!’?”