Gold Jewelry Month at, their participating retailers, and the World Gold Council celebrated the second annual May Is Gold Month this year.

Last year’s Month campaign resulted in double-digit increases for most of the retailers who participated and a spike in traffic that generated a 40 percent increase for the site. Teaming up with the World Gold Council and Aurafin-Oro America, one of the largest U.S. gold suppliers, created a highly focused marketing campaign aimed at driving gold jewelry sales at the retail level.

Promotion of the monthlong event included full-page ads in InStyle, Self, Real Simple, House Beautiful, Lucky, Glamour, and Marie Claire.

Participating retailers included JC Penney, Macy’s, May Company Stores, and Zales.

Further emphasizing May as gold jewelry month was the consumer promotion: “Win a Piece of Gold Jewelry Each Day in the Month of May,” by logging onto

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