De Beers Official Attends Two Events in Vegas

De Beers corporate communications manager Rory More O’Ferrall raised eyebrows in June by attending two events at The JCK Show ~ Las Vegas. De Beers executives typically do not go to the United States on business because of this country’s strict antitrust laws and an outstanding indictment on price fixing.

O’Ferrall, who cleared his appearance with U.S. authorities, attended two events: a World Diamond Council meeting and the Jewelers Charity Fund dinner where De Beers made major contributions. Otherwise, he kept a low profile and appears not to have toured the show floor or attended any other industry functions.

This is at least the third time in recent years that De Beers executives have come to the United States for business. Last year, De Beers officials attended a conflict diamond meeting at Harvard University. And shortly after the conflict diamond issue heated up, executives attended a United Nations meeting in New York.

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