WJA DIVA Award will offer $15,000 in cash prizes

The Fifth Annual DIVA Award for Jewelry Design Competition, sponsored by the Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) will offer $15,000 in cash prizes. The theme for the 2001 contest is ”Hollywood Diva: Glamour Now and Forever.”

The competition is open to all women, from all walks of life, residing in the United States and who have an interest in jewelry and jewelry design. No formal training in jewelry or design is required. This design competition is unique in that no finished jewelry is required for entry. Applicants submit color renderings of original designs for jewelry crafted in precious metals, with or without gemstones.

All entry applications are due on Friday, March 30, 2001. Judging will take place in April 2001 and winners will be announced at the WJA’s Hollywood DIVA Awards Ceremony on Monday evening, June 4, 2001 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas during the JCK International Jewelry Show.

The WJA will be awarding $15,000 in cash prizes with $10,000 for First Place, $3,000 for Second Place, $1,000 for Third Place and $325 each for three Honorable Mentions.

For more information of the Fifth Annual DIVA Award for Jewelry Design Competition and to obtain an application, please visit the Women’s Jewelry Association’s website: www.womensjewelry.org or, please call the National WJA Office at: 973-575-7190.

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