What’s Your Inspiration? Picasso’s Eyes for Carole Le Bris Perez

Pablo Picasso’s eyes—wild, wide, and whimsical—have made a lasting impression on many fellow artists, including Carole Le Bris Perez. The New York City–based jewelry designer, represented by Muse, has several Picasso-inspired eye pieces (think rings and earrings). Perez’s bejeweled offerings clearly recall the famous Cubist’s delirious and dilated painted pupils through long gold and gem lashes offset by olive-size eyes. Love art? Perez’s masterful interpretations may be just the homage never knew you needed.

Picasso Eye earrings in gold with gemstones from Carole Le Bris Perez

Picasso earrings in 18k gold with 0.92 ct. t.w. colorless diamonds, rubies, and peridot, $3,540

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