What’s Selling in Stores This Week: Men’s Jewelry

We asked four retailers located in four corners of the country to share their top-selling men’s jewelry looks this week.


Diesinger & Dolan, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Leonore Doskow sterling silver tie clips, $75. Store owner Charles Dolan calls the men’s category his weakest right now, but he recently sold a spate of Leonore Doskow tie clips. “I thought no one wears ties anymore,” he says, “but they make great groom’s gifts.”


Duncan & Boyd Jewelers, Austin and Amarillo, Texas

Faceted black diamond pendant on a white gold chain, $4,000–$8,000. “Some men have taste that tends to be a little more showy,” says shop owner Ron Boyd. “I was really surprised when they started to sell so well.”


Mitchum Jewelers, Ozark, Mo.

Camelot 7 mm sterling silver and 10k gold wedding band, $190.

 “It has the look of white gold, but is cheaper because of the silver, and they wear really well,” says owner Randy Mitchum. “We can’t keep them on the shelves, they’re so popular.”


Mark Allen Jewelers, Santa Rosa, Calif.

Chris Ploof mokume-gane, meteorite iron, and damascus stainless steel wedding bands, $900–$3,000. “A lot of guys are coming in asking for alternative metals, but in my mind, tungsten is what you make drill bits out of. When you sell a guy a wedding band, you have one shot ever. Why sell a $200 and $300 band? With meteorite bands, people like the story behind them.”

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