What to Look for In the Week Ahead

JCK’s guide to what to look for in the week ahead:

–       This Wednesday, the Federal Reserve should release its Beige Book, considered one of the most authoritative looks at the American economy.

–       Meanwhile, the legal wrangling continues over diamonds from the Marange region of Zimbabwe—and the continuing confusion over just who owns the diamonds is one reason Jewelers of America warns members against selling them.

–       The industry continues to watch Lazare Kaplan, which unsettled the diamond trade last week when it announced that the “material uncertainties” it’s been reporting for over a year could make it unable to “maintain its operations.”

–       And now that a French court has ruled against eBay for hosting counterfeit Louis Vuitton items on its site—which contradicts what American courts have ruled­—will the auction site be more careful when it sells noted name brands or possibly stop selling them altogether?

– To catch up with any news you missed last week, see Diamond Shavings; Your Friday Web Roundup.

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