Virginia Man Sentenced to 5 Months for Jewelry Heist

Three men are accused of stealing $147,000 worth of jewels

Three men have been accused of stealing $147,000 from a Virginia store in an after-hours heist, reports The Virginian-Pilot.

One of the men, Austin Ingles, has been sentenced to five months in prison—and has been ordered to pay over $148,000 in restitution to the Navy Exchange, the Norfolk, Va., store he allegedly robbed, as well as four pawnshops.

Ingles, along with Brandon Monahan and Austin Underwood, allegedly broke into the Navy Exchange in April, stealing $147,000 worth of jewelry. Court documents state that the men cased the store the day of the break-in, returned later that night, and broke a window and then the jewelry cases with rocks. The next day, they sold the jewelry to several pawnshops in North Carolina, where Monahan lives; they were caught when one of the pawnshop owners reported the serial number of a stolen Rolex to authorities.

The pieces stolen include seven Rolex watches, 128 pieces of Effy jewelry, and 22 other pieces of gold jewelry. The watches were worth more than $44,000 and the Effy jewelry almost $93,000. The other pieces were worth over $10,000.

Monahan is expected to plead guilty to one count of theft of government property. Underwood is expected to face federal charges.

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