Unity Marketing debuts new luxury consumer tracking service

To help luxury marketers maximize their investment in consumer research, Unity Marketing will launch a new Luxury Consumer Tracking Survey among a sample of affluent consumer households.

“Connecting with the consumer is the key trend word for today’s luxury marketer. After the past two years of global turbulence, luxury marketers are no longer guaranteed that the prestige of their brand will resonate with today’s increasingly discriminating and cautious affluent shopper,” explains luxury marketing expert Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing and author of Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need. “Luxury marketers can no longer afford to guess at what’s on the mind of their affluent customers, what new luxuries they desire, and what passions drive their spending,” Danziger says.

Beginning in January 2004, and every two months thereafter, 500 affluent consumer households will be surveyed to assess what luxury products and services they purchased over the past two months, how much they spent, and their future spending plans. To enable luxury marketers to understand variations within the affluent market, perspectives of three different segments of the luxury market will be gathered, based on household income: $75,000-$100,000 (upper middle); $100,000-$150,000 (affluent); $150,000+ (super-affluent).

In addition to the tracking service, Unity will offer luxury marketers direct access to its affluent consumer panel to pose exclusive questions and gather brand attitude and awareness measures.

For more information about subscribing to the Luxury Consumer Tracking Survey, contact Pam Danziger, President, Unity Marketing; 717-336-1600; FAX 717-336-1601.

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