Tissot Awards Top 10 Nascar drivers at “Victory Lap”

Swiss watch brand Tissot spotlighted its role as official timekeeper and watch for NASCAR on Nov. 29 by awarding the top 10 Nascar Nextel Cup Series drivers each with a new T-Touch NASCAR Special Edition watch. Jimmie Johnson, the Nextel Cup Series champion, also received a limited edition Tissot Heritage 150th Anniversary watch.

The presentation occurred in New York City’s Times Square as part of NASCAR’s annual day-long “Victory Lap” event, which marks the end of the Nascar year. The 10 did a slow 15-minute lap in midtown Manhattan and then parked their racecars for fans to see at Broadway and 42nd Street. Thousands of fans attended the event.

Tissot also unveiled a large billboard in Times Square, put ads on the sides of 200 NY Transit buses, and in the New York Post and RaceWatch Magazine for the watch. It is also running a promotion with New York’s Tourneau TimeMachine, “the world’s largest watch store,” featuring a life-size Tissot stock-car, Tissot start/finish line images from various race tracks and other NASCAR-sponsor items.

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