So here is what I’m hearing today …
A lot of this is conjecture, since no one really has the final list other than the DTC. It’s pretty informed conjecture, but conjecture regardless:
– First of all the people at Rapaport have done a bang-up job with their list. It’s at 68 companies, out of 75, after an incredible 30 updates. But I had one informed source tell me they know one company is on there that isn’t supposed to be, and I have heard numerous doubts about a second, somewhat controversial, company. We’ll see …
– Apparently, two companies that were at one time involved with litigation with De Beers are both said to be off the list.
– Yesterday I wrote that Antwerp was probably hurt the worst. Now it appears India was hurt just as bad, or worse.
Here are estimates – and I stress these are estimates — of how everything has shaken out:
India – 9 off, three added (net: six down)
New York – 3 off (depending on how one conceives where a company gets its sight)
Israel – 5 off, two added (net: three down)
Antwerp – 5 off
Hong Kong – one or two off
Thailand – one off (which didn’t reapply)
Canada – one added
So it’s a pretty bad day for India … and Antwerp, which really can’t afford to lose any sightholders, never mind five. New Yorkers were happy yesterday, but now, as we look at things the day after, there really isn’t that much to celebrate.
As far as what happened with India, I am not sure it makes sense, as there is not much connection between what Indians manufacture and what is going on in Southern Africa. A couple of the surprise deletions were from large, well-established Indian companies.
– Finally, we all know that Sterling didn’t get on yesterday, but remember, Stuller didn’t get on on its first try, either.
Keep those tips, and even corrections, coming: Will update later if there is more to say.
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