Susan and Glenn Rothman Win Shipley Award

Susan and Glenn Rothman, RS, founders and owners of Hearts On Fire, are the 2008 recipients of the American Gem Society’s Robert M. Shipley Award.

Members of the AGS presented the Rothmans with the award, with eleven former Shipley winners baring witness, at the Society’s annual membership meeting on April 12 in Seattle. The Robert M. Shipley Award is conferred annually upon a member of the AGS in recognition of outstanding service to the Society, for significant contribution to the science of gemology, and for exemplifying the high purposes, objectives, and ideals of the Society in the member’s community.

Susan and Glenn Rothman, AGS members since 1994, received the award due to their lasting impact on the industry and their commitment to professional excellence, education, innovation, and customer and community service. Susan and Glenn Rothman are the first co-winners and wife and husband team to receive the Shipley Award.

“Susan and I are both deeply honored to receive this award from AGS,” said Glenn Rothman. “Since starting Hearts On Fire in 1996, we’ve been motivated by our dream to always achieve excellence—this is the energy, the culture, and the unique character of Hearts On Fire. Together with our incredible team and fantastic retail partners, we know we can make a real difference in our industry. The future is now!”

Susan Rothman added, “Glenn and I see this award as a mark of distinction not just for us, but for the entire Hearts On Fire family,”. ”Every single member of the Hearts On Fire team is talented, passionate, and dedicated to growing and changing the industry. All of us are focused on working together every day to accomplish remarkable things.”

Glenn Rothman has served as a member of the AGS Laboratories Board of Managers since 1999, currently serving as Marketing Committee chair. He is also an active member of the Jewelers for Children Board of Directors and along with Susan Rothman, serves as chairman and founding board member, respectively, of the Lenny Zakim Fund in their hometown, Boston.

“Glenn and Susan’s determination and focus have brought them tremendous and deserved success, both professionally and personally,” said Ruth Batson, AGS executive director and chief executive officer. “Through their dedication to industry education, their commitment to the jewelry retailer, and incredible generosity and devotion to community service, the Rothmans have made a lasting impression on the American Gem Society and on all who have benefited from their dedication and involvement.”

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