Supplier News: Week of July 7

Hawk Hinders Simons Jewelers’ Billboard Replacement

A real-life angry bird is delaying the replacement of Simons Jewelers’ latest billboard advertisement. The St. Louis, Mo., retailer was slated to change its ad from a Rolex display to another product at the end of May, but crews were deterred by a less-than-thrilled mother hawk, who had built her nest atop the current sign.

The protected species has won out so far. “We’re just going to let nature take its course and enjoy the fact that we’ve played a small part in helping a protected species,” said owner Simon Katz in a press release. “Once all the chicks and the parents have left the nest, we’ll change that billboard. But for night now, it stays right where it is.”

The latest update: The eggs have hatched, but there are no signs of the new family’s departure quite yet. And it seems that the hawk is just as unhappy with photographers as she is with the ad crew—no images were available at press time.

Visit for more information on the retailer.

JCK Contributing Editor

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