Study reveals buying patters and expectations for Father’s Day

A diverse range of gifts is popular for today’s Dad including tools, toiletries, yard equipment, apparel, DVD/CD, electronics, and sports gear. But jewelry is rising in demand as a token of love and appreciation with long lasting quality and sentiment, according to a recent study.

The study of 2,800 consumers from June 3-11 was sponsored by the Jewelry Consumer Opinion Council (JCOC) and conducted by MVI Marketing. Participants answered research questions about their shopping habits–with a focus on jewelry for Father’s Day. JCOC members answered questions regarding Father’s Day gift purchasing in general, Father’s Day Jewelry Purchasing in detail, and Father’s Day Gifts from a Father’s Perspective.

The majority of JCOC members, almost 50%, said they would buy their Father’s Day gift within one of week of the day, followed by 22% who said they’ll start shopping two weeks prior. Almost 35% offered a range of gift ideas from tools to toiletries, 22.5% citing electronics, and 19% reporting a card only this year. Four percent, however, are looking to specifically buy jewelry for Dad, with a watch topping the lists of over 50%, followed by a ring for almost 28%.

Popular watch styles are casual for 40%, fashion-inspired for 22%, with 19% opting for stainless steel. Leading watch brands for Dad include Timex for over 25%, Fossil for nearly 12%, and a range of names for 7% each—Bulova, Rolex, Tag Heuer, Swatch, Casio, and Movado.

For those considering gem-set jewelry, diamond is favored by 60%, with 63% opting for yellow gold, according to the survey. Choice jewelry shopping venues are local jewelers for over 43% and a department store for almost 36%. The majority of respondents, 36.6%, plan to spend between $101 to $250 retail on jewelry for Dad.

Of those who will not buy jewelry for Dad this year, almost 43% say their Fathers don’t like jewelry, followed by 20% who say jewelry is not within their budget, and more than 16% who claim their Dads do not want jewelry this year. More than 41% are certain in their decision, claiming that marketing efforts will not sway them. But more than 22% say a jewelry sale could change their mind, while 8.2% find in-store events appealing.

The majority of those surveyed were women (82.7%), with the strongest age groups represented between 26 and 55 years old. More than 50% of those surveyed said they planned to buy a Father’s Day gift. Of the almost 40% who will not, the majority said it was because their Father is deceased. Of the over 8% unsure, their uncertainty was related to finances for some 32% of panelists.

Almost 59% of the more than 500 men who responded to this survey are Dads, with almost 38% of them expecting a gift for Father’s Day. More than 31% anticipate a card only, 23.4% predict apparel, and almost 21% think they may get dinner out, tools or a gift certificate to their favorite retailer. However, nearly 26% would prefer something other than what they expect, with a whopping 36 percent desiring jewelry.

Of those who would prefer jewelry, over 66% would like a watch—with 50% desiring gold and 33% preferring stainless steel; followed by 11% each opting for cufflinks, a necklace or a bracelet.

Gifts for grads. JCOC panelists also were asked questions regarding gifts for grads. More than 22% of the 2,800 respondents planned to give a graduation gift this year. Within the top three gift choices were money for over 56%, ideas including gift certificates, electronics or supplies for college for over 20%, and jewelry for almost 17%.

For those planning to buy jewelry as a graduation gift—earrings and rings resonated for almost 20% each, followed by a necklace for nearly 18%, and bracelet for close to 16%. Only 2% of respondents were grads themselves—almost 45% college, nearly 25% advanced college, and over 20% high school. Nearly 70% claim they’d like to receive a jewelry gift. The top jewelry gifts desired are earrings for over 27%, rings for more than 22%, and bracelets for 15%.

‘Webinar’. MVI Marketing will sponsor a Web-based seminar titled “Upcoming Trends for Holiday 2004.” The live audio conference will take place Thursday, July 22, at 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. PST. Participants will be able to participate at their computer. Speakers will be Elizabeth Chatelain, CEO of MVI Marketing, LTD; Deborah Yonick, The Jewelry Lady & Public Relations Consultant; Destini Gillham, Market Research Manager, JCOC.

For the full Father’s Day report, including general jewelry buying habits and economic confidence levels, contact Marty Hurwitz, MVI Marketing at 805-239-2994 x101; fax 805-239-2947; email; or visit To participate in the Web seminar, go to

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