Signet’s Burman named to St, Jude’s Professional Advisory Board

Terry Burman, chairman and chief executive of Sterling Jewelers Inc., has been appointed to serve on the Professional Advisory Board at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. The hospital has an internationally recognized center dedicated to finding cures for catastrophic childhood diseases.

Established in 1996, St. Jude’s Professional Advisory Board consists of volunteers from across the country who are leaders in their respective fields. Board members act as consultants and provide guidance and support for the fundraising efforts of ALSAC, the fundraising arm of St. Jude. ALSAC covers all patient costs not covered by insurance for medical treatment rendered at the hospital. Families without insurance are never asked to pay.

As a Professional Advisory Board member, Burman will travel to Memphis twice a year to discuss strategic fundraising issues and help formulate ways to better enable ALSAC and St. Jude to fulfill their missions.

Sterling Jewelers established a long-term partnership with St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in 1999, pledging $1.5 million to fund the operation of the hospital’s Solid Tumor Clinic. In 200, Sterling made an additional half million-dollar pledge to fund a major renovation of the hospital’s Patent Registration Area. The commitments for both projects will be completed in 2002—two years ahead of schedule. Sterling Jewelers recently announced a $5 million endowment over the next five years to finance the renovation of the entire second floor of the hospital, known as the Patient Care Center.

“St. Jude’s deeply appreciates Terry’s personal time and commitment, his continuous support, and strong business sense, said Richard Shadyac, national executive director of ALSAC/St. Jude.

Burman has served on various charitable boards throughout his career. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Jewelers Charity Fund for Children (JCF). In 1999, Burman was honored by the JCF for his diligent work and contributions on behalf of children. He also serves on the board of ACCESS, a shelter for homeless women and children.

The Akron, Ohio-based Sterling Jewelers operates 1,037 stores in 45 states as “Kay Jewelers,” Jared the Galleria of Jewelry,” and a number of regional names. Sterling employs more than 13,000 people and is the U.S. subsidiary of the London-based Signet Group plc.

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