Seulgi Kwon Wins 2014 AJF Artist Award

The Art Jewelry Forum (AJF), the nonprofit organization that supports appreciation of art jewelry worldwide, has awarded Seulgi Kwon the 2014 AJF Artist Award.

The award is given to an emerging jeweler who exhibits “poise, innovation, and individuality.” 

Kwon studied fine arts metalwork and jewelry at Kookmin University in Seoul. Her work is inspired by plants and the natural world.

“Seulgi demonstrates an innovative and beautiful use of material; her work is visually compelling,” said Karen Rotenberg, founder and director of Alianza Contemporary Crafts, who served as a juror for the prize.

Kwon will receive $7,500, a showcase of her work at Gallery Platina at Handwerksmesse in Munich, and a one-year membership to AJF. 


Courtesy AJF

Deep in the Night by Seulgi Kwon 

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