Rolling on the River Casino Night

The Greater New York National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) and the New Leadership Division of the Jewelry and Watch Industry will host their Annual Gala Boat Cruise on Wednesday, June 23, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. aboard the Majestic Star. The event will bring together more than 200 New York professionals to enjoy an evening of music, games, prizes, cocktails, and dancing.

This year’s gala will feature a special casino night with wonderful/exciting prizes. Proceeds from this event will advance NCCJ’s new “Hate in the Hallways” initiative that is designed to provide forums for youth to address issues of bias, prejudice, and discrimination in their schools.

The National Conference for Community and Justice, founded in New York City in 1927, is a human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry and racism in America. NCCJ promotes understanding and respect among all races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution and education.

Tickets are on sale now. Space is limited. For tickets and more information contact Andrea Caserta or Jessica Moreira at (212) 545-1300.

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