Rembrandt Charms Wants Mother’s Day Stories

Rembrandt Charms, Buffalo, N.Y., will hold its annual Mother’s Love contest from April 1 to May 11. Consumers are asked to tell the story of their mother’s life by using up to ten Rembrandt charms to illustrate the story.  

The contest began three years ago and due to an overwhelming response each time, it has become an annual event on the Rembrandt Web site. “The first year we ran the contest we received over 250 entries,” said Jennifer Hillman, communications director, Rembrandt Charms. “The following year the entries more than doubled.”

The winner will receive the complete bracelet of their design. Runners-up receive a bracelet with one charm from their story. Hillman said that 90 percent of the entries are valid and average entry takes about an hour to compose.

“This produces a true ‘buy-in’ factor because of the time and emotional commitment they’ve made. Eighty-five percent of our runners-up complete their starter bracelet with the remaining charms within the first few months of receiving their prize,” she said.

Sent along with each bracelet is a congratulations packet including a list of local jewelers so consumers can purchase additional charms.

For more information visit,

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