In our office, blogging is often the product of spontaneous collaboration. Someone in my aisle will audibly wonder about a certain jewelry company or designer or trend, another will respond, someone else will ask a follow up question, and the most eager participant will volunteer to write it. Today’s process went something like this:
Rob: Someone made the world’s largest diamond pendant.
Me: It was Jason of Beverly Hills! Was it Jason of Beverly Hills? I just saw them. If it’s not Jason of Beverly Hills, then someone just topped them.
Rob: I don’t know, but it’s being worn by Lil’ Jon. Yes! It is Jason of Beverly Hills. They’re getting into Guiness.
Me: What’s crunk? I thought I heard once it meant drunk.
Bacilio It’s a kind of music; what Lil’ Jon sings. You know the one that goes, “To the window…to the wall…”
Me: Oh, I know that one.
Bacilio: And krumping is the dance you do to crunk. Go to YouTube and see.
[Rob, Bacilio, and I gather around my computer and watch this video]
Rob: Blog about it, Laura.
Me: I will.
And scene. That is how blogs are born (at least on Fridays). Kudos to Jason of Beverly Hills for his record-worthy bling.
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