



Marcia Stein, executive director of Citymeals-on-Wheels poses with Daniel Koren of Daniel K, New York. The luxury jeweler teamed up with Gourmet magazine December 4 at New York’s Country restaurant, for a gala event to benefit CityMeals-on-Wheels. The organization provides hot, home-delivered meals to New York City’s senior shut-ins. The evening featured a silent auction of luscious Daniel K jewels, accompanied by delectable hors d’ouvres, desserts, and wines. |
Doron Basha, CEO of the new U.S. office of Bien, Switzerland-based Milus International poses with JCK editor-in-chief Hedda Schupak, at the watch firm’s launch lunch celebrating its arrival on U.S. shores. Eager journalists from trade and consumer press slogged through a deluge on November 8 to attend the swanky bash at Per Se in the Time Warner Center. (Ok, “slog” is relative, as the tony watch company sent its car service to personally pick up each guest at his or her office.) |
Fun at the Women’s Jewelry Association Metropolitan Chapter Holiday Party, held November 8 at the Yale Club. From left are Ronni Klein, chapter president, Ann Arnold, WJA National president, and Bill Furman, JCK Group Sales Director. |
Ronni Klein of Displays and More, WJA Metropolitan Chapter president, hugs Carolyn Jacoby of the South Sea Pearl Consortium, winner of one of the party raffle prizes. Looking on is Ann Arnold, WJA National president. |