Oscar-Night Bracelets With a Purpose

Did you notice these #Enough bracelets on your favorite stars?

At last night’s Oscar ceremony, several celebrities donned bracelets in honor of victims of gun violence.

Actors Patricia Arquette, Steve Carell, and Bryan Cranston, and director Adam McKay were among the attendees who wore the bracelets, which were designed and created in partnership with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the jewelry company MyIntent. The bracelets feature wax-coated nylon and brass discs engraved #ENOUGH.

“Hollywood is joining the Brady Campaign to call for an end to the daily terror in malls, schools, and churches, and in the streets and homes of cities and towns across this country,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign. “We should never forget that beyond the headlines and the statistics are people, people whose lives are forever changed by the epidemic of gun violence.”

The organization is selling the bracelets for $18. Purchasers are invited to engrave the discs with the initials of a loved one who has been a victim of gun violence or wear a bracelet in honor of another victim. 

(Photo courtesy of MyIntent)

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