Mitchem Resigns as President of Tivol

Tivol, Kansas City’s premier family owned jeweler, announced Thursday that its president, Steve Mitchem, is stepping down after two years in the position. A 17-year veteran of the Tivol executive team, he leaves the industry to join his son in his loan business.

“Steve has been a vital part of Tivol’s success,” said Cathy Tivol, chief executive officer. “We’ll certainly miss his energetic presence on our team. It’s been wonderful to see his career progress at Tivol throughout the years.”

Mitchem began his professional life as a full-time minister in the Church of the Nazarene. In 1990, he hung up his pastoral robes and went to work as an associate in Tivol’s store on the Country Club Plaza. Many clients sought his talents, proven by his quick rise to director of sales, store manager, general manager, and chief operating officer. As president, Mitchem has had continued success in his responsibilities for business operations.

Cathy Tivol will assume the duties of president until a successor is named.

Established in 1910, Tivol is based in Kansas City, Mo., with store locations on the Country Club Plaza, Hawthorne Plaza, and Briarcliff Village.

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