Man Robs Jewelry Store While on Trial for Another Crime

A man has been accused of robbing a jewelry store while on a lunch break during his trial for another crime.

According to Sgt. Charles Warner, a spokesman for the Franklin, Tenn., police department, at around noon on Sept. 29, a man matching the description of Mark Burgin walked into a Walton’s Antique & Estate Jewelry in Franklin, Tenn., and was seen grabbing a Rolex from a store display case.

While leaving, a store employee confronted him. The man apologized and gave the Rolex back, but by then other items were noticed missing. The suspect ran out of the store, with more than $30,000 worth of merchandise, including six bracelets, one of which was valued at $12,000, and another valued at $5,000.

Walton’s Antique and Estate Jewelry is located about a block from the Williamson County Courthouse, Warner says. Burgin was at the time on trial for a 2009 knifepoint robbery.

According to a police report, an officer saw someone matching the description of Burgin at a nearby restaurant, and eventually tracked him to the courthouse. 

When questioned, the report says that Burgin “started becoming upset and said that he had done something stupid because he needed money for his kids. Mark asked if he returned the jewelry, would any charges go away.”

Burgin was found guilty of the inital robbery charge, and has since been charged with felony theft in connection with the jewelry store robbery.

“It’s certainly an unusual story,” Warner says.  

JCK gave tips to avoid “grab and runs” in September 2010.

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