Lab created gem samples at EGL booth during JA Show

During the JANY Show retailers can inspect samples of lab-created diamonds at the EGL USA booth (# 2812-14 ). The samples are being provided by Apollo Diamond, Chatham Created Gems, and Gemesis Corp. on July 26, from noon to 6 p.m., and all day July 27.

EGL USA Senior Gemologist Sharrie Woodring, FGA, GG, who is a member of the lab’s research team, will demonstrate how retailers can do a preliminary test for lab-created diamonds using standard gem equipment found in many jewelry stores, such as a microscope, a UV lightbox, and a handheld spectroscope.

EGL USA will also provide retailers with “indicators” that signal the need for a stone in question to be sent to a major lab for inspection with more advanced equipment.

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