JVC Welcomes New Board Members at Annual Luncheon

Jewelers Vigilance Committee hosted its annual luncheon at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City, Friday, January 8th. More than 130 jewelry industry leaders gathered to welcome newly elected board members and JVC chairman, Marc A. Green and to recognize retiring board members.

The new board members are as follows: Marc A. Green, Lux Bond & Green, chairman; Jeffrey H. Fischer, Fischer Diamonds, Inc., 1st vice president; Beryl Raff*, Helzberg Diamonds,2nd vice president; Steven P. Kaiser, Kaiser Time, Inc. treasurer; Joel Schechter, Honora Industries Inc., corporate secretary.

JVC awarded its Stanley Schechter Award to retiring JVC Board member Michael C. Barlerin for his 16 years of distinguished service on JVC’s board.

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