JFC unveils 2006 holiday program

Jewelers for Children, the industry’s charity, has announced the 2006 Hope for the Holidays program. The program includes holiday greeting cards, honor donations, contribution cards and inserts, and the first edition of the JFC holiday ornament that can be sold in retail jewelry stores. All elements of the program have been produced from artwork created by children representing JFC’s charity partners.

The new ornament is based on a design from one of the 2006 greeting cards created by a patient at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

“The idea for a holiday related product that jewelers could sell in their stores to show their support for JFC and involves their customers was something our committee saw as a wonderful introduction to cause related marketing efforts between retail jewelers and JFC.” said Rachel Wertheimer of JewelAmerica, vice president of Special Programs for JFC. “Not every retailer has the access and the volume to have their own in-store holiday gift item and the JFC holiday ornament provides an opportunity for retailers of any size to participate.”

The ornaments are available for purchase from JFC for $ 10 each and the retailer can resell them in their stores, give them as incentives with purchases, or use them as gifts. They come in attractive gift boxes with an insert card describing JFC and the support the industry provides to children in need.

In lieu of traditional holiday greetings, members of the jewelry industry can send holiday cards showing their support for the charity. Three greeting card designs are available, two created by children in the foster care system representing the National CASA Association and one by a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital patient. There are also contribution recognition cards that can be purchased with a donation to JFC and sent to special contacts on everyone’s holiday list. Contribution card inserts can also be purchased and used with any holiday card.

Honor donation programs are conducted by a number of companies in the industry who send letters to their customers and suppliers asking that in lieu of holiday gifts, a donation be made in their honor to JFC.  The honor donation program can be utilized by anyone in the industry.  JFC provides suggested language for a letter and customized donation forms.

The 2005 Hope for the Holidays program raised more than $ 200,000 for JFC and their recipient charities, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and the National CASA Association. 

Information on purchasing holiday cards, contribution cards and inserts, holiday ornaments and the honor donation program can be found on the JFC Web site at www.jewelersforchildren.org, or by calling 212-687-2949.

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