redesigns Web site retail Web portal has been redesigned with updated images, more fashion and trend news, and more educational offerings. The new site went live Oct. 1.

“We’ve done a complete makeover,” says editor-in-chief Virginia Halevi. “Visitors to the site are greeted with fresh, super-stylish new images that better showcase the site’s vast offering of quality contemporary pieces.”

The content-driven portal also offers daily updates from the celebrity circuit, fashion trends, and international jewelry news. It also includes a section called, “Splurges and Steals,” which “helps the online shopper identify affordable and fashionable alternatives to styles seen on their favorite celebrities,” Halevi says.

New marketing efforts include the launch of a monthly e-newsletter to registered subscribers that will cover jewelry, fashion trends, and celebrities news. The first issue is scheduled for release in late October.  

Founded in 2001 as a one-stop jewelry resource for consumers, has more than 38 million unique visitors annually and a database of 2.2 million registered users. The company’s marketing platform connects jewelry consumers with national, multi-channel jewelry retailers, which include Helzberg, JC Penney, Macy’s, Sears, and Zales.

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