Jewelers of America Certified 133 Jewelers in 2015

The organization offers certification for bench jewelers as well as sales and management

Jewelers of America (JA) certified 133 jewelry professionals with its professional certification program in 2015.

“JA Professional Certification helps raise the bar when it comes to professionalism in the jewelry industry,” said Susan Posnock, JA’s director of public affairs and education. “JA certification programs promote consumer confidence by validating an individual’s talent, knowledge, and jewelry proficiency to consumers seeking trustworthy jewelers.”

The Jewelers of America Professional Sales and Management Certification evaluates proficiency at two levels with a two-hour exam. The Bench Certification Program evaluates proficiency of bench jewelers at four levels.

The programs and standards were established nearly 20 years ago by an industry task force. More information is available here. 

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