JCK Ties the Knot: Publisher’s Letter, September 2012

Welcome to the first-ever JCKThe Knot Bridal Supplement!

It’s been a fun journey to get this into your hands. A few months ago, we sat with the team at XOXO Publishing’s The Knot—the leading consumer magazine and website for brides- and grooms-to-be—to discuss possible ways we might collaborate. The publication you hold is the fruit of those brainstorms, and there’s more to come.

Recognizing that both of our publications/websites are best-in-class in their respective fields, we decided to create not only this supplement to JCK, but also a series of “Bridal Smarts” tips that will appear in the first Thursday edition of JCK News Daily every month and in each issue of JCK’s Vault Bridal section.

The Knot is the perfect partner for us, and together we’re bringing you the wedding savvy you need for your store this bridal season. They have their fingers on the pulse of exactly what jewelry brides and grooms (and their families) are purchasing and how. We mined that data to get you, our ­audience of retailers and manufacturers, the most relevant and important information for your business during the upcoming bridal season.  

We further explore the survey’s top insights and expertise with a roundup of features about real-world couples’ wedding-jewelry shopping experiences, the growing trend in “man-gagement” rings, and product pages featuring the ­latest bridal rings, bands, and accessories.

We hope this new and exciting collaboration will be of service to you and help you to have a successful fall bridal selling season!


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