JA Board Elects Green as Chairman

John Green, president and chief executive officer of Lux Bond & Green, Inc., was elected chairman of the board of directors of Jewelers of America at its recent board meeting. Green succeeds John Cohen of Carlyle & Co. whose two-year term ended.

“We are excited to start a new term with John at the helm,” says Matthew A. Runci, JA president and CEO. “He has proven his commitment to JA through his service on our executive committee, and as a board member. That experience has well prepared him to lead our board.”

“I am honored to begin my position as chairman of Jewelers of America,” Green said, whose father, Robert, presided over the board from 1987 to 1989. “Jewelers of America is an association that is committed to its membership, and to advancing the professionalism and responsible business practices of the entire industry.”

In addition to Green’s longstanding and active membership in JA, he and his store are members of the American Gem Society, where he is a Registered Jeweler and Certified Gemologist Appraiser. Lux Bond & Green is also a member of the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices and has pledged to commit to its responsible practices framework, which will be implemented in 2008.

The board also elected Peter Engel, president, Fred Meyer Jewelers, Inc. as its new director. Engel, who started his career as a sales associate with Fred Meyer, has seen the company grow to 406 stores in 35 states, making it the third largest fine jewelry company in the U.S. As a committed industry participant, Engel also serves on the boards of Jewelers for Children, VNU Expositions and the Diamond Council of America.

“Peter, with his industry expertise and business knowledge, will make a fine addition to our diverse board,” Runci. Said.

The board also elected the following officers:

• Terry Burman, Chairman-Elect (Sterling Jewelers, Akron, Ohio)
• Georgie Gleim, Vice-Chair (Gleim the Jeweler, Palo Alto, Calif.)
• Michael Kowalski, Vice-Chair (Tiffany & Co., New York City)
• Vicki Cunningham, Treasurer (Cunningham Fine Jewelry, Tulsa, Okla.)
• Michael White, Secretary (White’s Jewelers, Springfield, Tenn.)
• Jeffrey Corey, Regional Director (Day’s Jewelers, Waterville, Me.)

For the complete list of JA’s Board of Directors, visit the JA Web site.

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