Instagram Is Blushing With the Arrival of Spring

Spring is here! Spring is here! The arrival of this season brings great excitement and joy. It’s when things come back to life—when I feel as if I have come back to life—as we shake off the feelings of hibernation and get back to simply doing more things. At the risk of sounding like a broken record (I’ve mentioned this in at least four recent articles), the most beautiful sign of spring here in D.C. is the arrival of our cherry blossoms. And they’re finally here—that luscious pink, so soft I want to wrap myself in it. It’s the only color that matters in my mind this time of year—if I’m not careful, I could end up with a closet and a jewelry box filled with nothing but that color. Thankfully, to satisfy my craving, there’s been Instagram. So many blushing beauties to admire (and double tap), by many a favorite feed. Here are the ones that satiated my cherry blossom craze this past week.

Jen Meyer Jewelry Instagram | JCK Social Settings

via @jenmeyerjewelry


via @sofiakaman

Buddha Mama Instagram | JCK Social Setting

via @buddha_mama

dariadekoning Instagram | JCK Social Setting

via @dariadekoning

Amy Glaswand Instagram | JCK Social Setting

via @amyglaswand

Jamie Geller Jewelry Instagram | JCK Social Setting

via @jaimiegellerjewelry

ylang23 Instagram | JCK Social Setting

via @ylang23


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