Instaglam: 5 Garnet Photos for January

Instagrammers: Please keep them coming!

There’s a very heavy “back to school” feel to the month of January. The holidays are over, and for those who have enjoyed a long, relaxing break, getting back to business doesn’t come easy. But there’s a wealth of jewelers who have made the transition into January better, their displays on social media a glimmer in otherwise rough, sleepy mornings. Scroll through Instagram as you zombie through breakfast and you’ll find any number of things: those that are still enjoying their tropical vacations (lucky); those that, like you, perhaps, are struggling to cope with a return to normalcy (their posts of snow-laden driveways, Christmas tree–strewn sidewalks, and bundled-up selfies ask, “Is it spring yet?”). And then there are those that greet the day—and the month of January—with something that makes you smile. The bright spot that we all need, these jewelers and jewelry fans are celebrating the month with its deep, dramatic birthstone: garnet. The gemstone, seen here mostly in its deep-red variation, is sensationally warm, injecting a bold sense of take-charge that says to the month, “Bring it.” Though to be truthful, there aren’t nearly enough—do a quick search of #garnet and you’ll find yourself scrolling through a series of red-tinted photos, lots of pomegranate shots (that, while beautiful, do not count as jewelry), and plenty of anime-looking illustrations (which yours truly has no understanding of whatsoever). So while these five remarkable photos of a remarkably fierce gemstone will certainly be the highlight of any Instagram session, a plea to jewelers just getting back to work and settling into 2017: More, please.

JCK Contributing Editor

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