GIA Offers Support Kit for Retailers

The Gemological Institute of America is offering a “Retailer Support Kit” to jewelry retailers.

Each kit includes various tools sales associates can use to help explain essential diamond information such as the Four Cs to their customers. The kit can be ordered online at

The kit was created to support GIA’s public outreach campaign to build awareness of the GIA International Diamond Grading System and contains the following:

* A GIA crystal display for the jewelry case

* A GIA window decal that shows the store carries GIA-graded diamonds

* Brochures explaining the Four Cs of diamond quality

* Give-away pocket cards that contain the GIA Color, Clarity, and Cut grading scales, along with carat weight information. Cards are designed to hold a business card.

* A new, “How GIA Grades Diamonds” DVD to play in the store

* A counter pad that helps explain to customers how to read a GIA Diamond Grading Report
A $97 value, the kit is free to retailers, except for shipping and handling charges. Quantities are limited to one kit per store and are available only while supplies last.

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