GIA Introduces Online Only Grading Reports

The Gemological Institute of America’s famed lab is now offering online-only grading reports.

The new format, dubbed the GIA Diamond eReport, costs 10 percent less than GIA’s standard reports. It is currently only available for natural, D-to-Z color diamonds from 0.15 to 2.99 cts.

The reports also include a new detailed face-up image of the diamond, captured during the grading process. This image includes a rollover feature that lets users enlarge certain features of the stone. This image and the diamond’s metrics are stored permanently in GIA’s global database, and will be instantly accessible via GIA’s Report Check feature.

This new feature will “facilitate trading,” says Thomas M. Moses, GIA senior vice president of laboratory and research.

Traders can now “get a good idea of where inclusions are and what the stone looks like,” Moses explains, which could result in fewer stones having to be shipped ahead of time.

Moses doesn’t know if the new more “environmentally responsible” system will replace paper reports entirely.

“Some people will always prefer the hard copy,” he says. “I don’t think this is going to take over the other reports but I think it will work for a certain niche of stones.”

He adds that overall industry reaction has been positive.

“This product is not that revolutionary,” he adds. “It’s more fitting with the times.”

To view a GIA Diamond eReport sample, visit Next to “Report Number” enter 2141438194 and next to “Carat Weight” enter 1.01.

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