GIA Career Fair Draws 800

A crowd of more than 800 turned up at the New York Jewelry Career Fair on July 30 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, according to its organizer, the Gemological Institute of America.

This year marked the return of the event to the East coast for the first time since 2008.

“I’m happy to report that our industry is wide and diverse—valued at over $160 billion last year [and] growing even through difficult times,” said Donna Baker, GIA’s president and CEO, during her opening remarks. “And the U.S. is only one market. China, India, and the Middle East are expanding rapidly, and so are opportunities.”  

Some 44 recruiters showed up on site looking to fill hundreds of positions. Companies recruiting included Harry Winston, Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, Montblanc, Saks Fifth Avenue, Tiffany & Co., and Zale Corporation. The Jewelers for Veterans Foundation was also on hand to meet with and assist U.S. military veterans in their job search.

The next career fair will take place at GIA’s world headquarters in Carlsbad on Oct. 5. For more information, please contact

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