Gemology scholarship opportunity

EGL USA and National Jeweler Magazine are sponsoring four full FGA scholarships for individuals who have had at least three years experience in any area of the jewelry industry. The FGA (Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain) is one of the most highly revered degrees in the study of gemology and one of the most comprehensive gemology training courses available. No prior gemological background is required to apply.

The FGA course is a two-year correspondence course complete with private tutor assigned by the Association.

To apply, send a letter of intent to the American FGA Scholarship Advisory Board expressing in 250 words or less why you want to pursue a career in gemology. Include your name, address and contact number. Include 2 letters of recommendation from individuals within the industry. Entries must by sent by May 1, 2002 to: American FGA Scholarship Advisory Board, c/o EGLUSA, 30 West 47th Street, 10th Fl., NY, NY 10036. For more information, visit: (see Education).

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