In response to the call for aid in Southern Asia due to the massive earthquake and tsunami, the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA), the American Gem Society (AGS), Gemological Institute of America (GIA), and the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) are organizing an industry wide relief effort for the victims. We are requesting your support of this initiative, The Jewelry Industry Relief Fund (JIRF).
AGTA, AGS, and ICA have joined with Save the Children, a non-profit organization for the aid of children and families, to provide relief through their Asia Earthquake/Tidal Wave Relief Fund. This is an important cause that needs support worldwide; and our hope is that by joining together and working through Save the Children we can show unified support as an industry.
We appreciate your immediate response to our request, and to the victims in Southern Asia. Below see attached information on Save the Children. As a courtesy, Save the Children have agreed to track our donations. Please make sure you reference JIRF whether you pledge online, by mail, or telephone. The instructions are listed below.
There are several ways that you can make a donation:
Via the Internet:
Go to the Save the Children Web site at Place the code JIRF (in all caps) in the first address field. It is marked “Address.” Provide your mailing address in the second address field. It is marked “Address Line 2.” If the code does not appear in the first address line, the contribution will not be attributed to the jewelry industry.
By check via mail:
Meredith McWade
Director, Global Corporate Partnerships
Save the Children
54 Wilton Road
Westport, CT 06880
Please include JIRF in the memo area of your check.
By telephone:
(800) 728-3843
Please mention the code JIRF when you speak to a Save The Children representative.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact AGTA at (800) 972-1162 or Save the Children at (800) SAVE-THE-CHILDREN or
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