Friedman’s Failure to Communicate

JCK’s Monday story about Friedman’s plans to close its stores has turned into a something of a message board for Friedman’s employees, where for the last few days they have been commiserating and swapping gossip. (One point: Many think the plan to sell 78 stores to Whitehall has fallen through. That hasn’t been confirmed. Things are fluid.)

I know there is no truly artful way to let people go. But it seems that, as the company’s lawyers were petitioning in court to call in the liquidators, most of its employees only found about it through news reports. That is awful. Executives with responsibility for some 3,000 workers have to do better. Here’s one comment:

I have been an employee for many years. I honestly had faith in this company, my DM, my VP…I bought the line of “just a rough patch, everything will be fine…oh yeah! and we’ve been through worse”. Forgive me if I didn’t buy into the “dishonesty game” I expected better that’s all. I am just a little peon in a small town that loved my job. My heart is broken.

That is enough to break my heart too. What a way for an 80-plus year old company to go out. Our best to all the employees of Friedman’s and their families …

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