Friday world Gold prices

Selected world gold prices, Friday, as reported by the Associated Press.

London morning fixing: $264.50 off $0.20.

London afternoon fixing: $263.55 off $1.15.

London late: $263.60 off $1.10.

Paris afternoon fixing: $261.76 off $1.38.

Zurich late afternoon: $263.10 off $1.05.

NY Handy & Harman: $263.55 off $1.35.

NY Handy & Harman fabricated: $284.63 off $1.46.

NY Engelhard: $264.65 off $1.35.

NY Engelhard fabricated: $277.88 off $1.42.

NY Merc. gold spot month Thu: $264.50 up $0.20.

NY HSBC Bank USA 4 p.m. Thu: $264.80 up $0.30.

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