Fashion + Jewelry: Nina Garcia’s 100

Roughly a year has passed since Nina Garcia let us in her Little Black Book of Style, and now Project Runway’s sassy judge and Marie Claire’s fashion director delivers The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own.

Nina Garcia signed copies of The One Hundred at Saks in NYC

Photo via FabSugar

Not only are there a tidy 100 but, editing as she does best, Garcia also gives ‘em to us A–Z. Alongside her selections you’ll get into Garcia’s head through The Inside Track: Editor Favorites, Fashion 101 boxes, Great Moments in History, Fun Facts, Closet Obsessions, Where to Buy tips, and of course, just like LBBoS, it’s chockfull of witticisms from fashion greats and fanciful illustrations by Ruben Toledo (you’ve seen the Nordstrom ads).


Here I PhotoShopped Nina Garcia in with the title page of The One Hundred, illustrated by Ruben Toledo

Nina Garcia photo via
Title page is a scan from Nina Garcia’s The One Hundred


A scan of The One Hundred book lining, illustrated by Ruben Toledo


So how many picks does the jewelry world snag from the 100? Lucky No. 13. While clothes (I’m including undergarments, lingerie, and swimwear) of course took the lion’s share (43 picks by my count), 13’s pretty reputable, considering that footwear garnered 16, bags 7, and tech a mere 2 (BlackBerry and iPod). So what sparkly things can’t Garcia live without?


1.   Bangles (#6)

2.   Brooch (#13)

3.   Charm Bracelet (#19)

4.   Cocktail Ring (#21)

5.   Cuff (#25)

6.   Diamond Studs (#27)

7.   Hoop Earring (#39)

8.   Jewelry Pouches (#43)

9.   Pearl Necklace (#64)

10. Signet Ring (#77)

11. Statement Necklace (#81)

12. Turquoise and Coral Jewelry (#87)

13. Watch (#94)


Ruben Toledo illustrates picks #5 – Cuffs and #9 – Pearl Necklace

Photos are scans from Nina Garcia’s The One Hundred


Bear in mind that these are things Nina can’t live without, and she stresses that these are personal rather than one-size-fits-all “essentials” (e.g., fur is on the list). Me, I love a watch, a pinky ring, a cocktail ring, anything 24k gold, some layer-worthy chains, a long beaded necklace, a solitaire diamond necklace, novelty bangles, and strong cuffs (I don’t wear earrings). What are your essentials?


Alek Wek, Nina Garcia + Robert Verdi

Book It: Fall Reading


F+J Archive:

Fashion + Jewelry: Janice Dickinson + HSN

Fashion + Jewelry: CFDA + Philip Crangi

Fashion + Jewelry: Arthur Mendonça + Polar Bear Diamond

Fashion + Jewelry: Andy Thê-Anh + Polar Bear Diamond

Fashion + Jewelry: Ephymol + The Varsity Project

Fashion + Jewelry: Luca Luca + Doyle New York

Fashion + Jewelry: Surrealism

Fashion + Jewelry: Fashion Week Veterans

Fashion + Jewelry: Lucite

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