Ex-Wife Launches Wedding Ring Into Space

A few weeks ago I posed the question, “What happens to the gifted jewelry after a break-up”?

While selling the jewelry or repurposing it to form a new piece are popular options, one New Zealand woman has found an inventive form of closure that is literally out of this world.

According to New Zealand website Stuff.co.nz, Rebecca Gibbs recently launched her old wedding ring in a homemade rocket, documenting the journey on a YouTube page (which has since been removed).

The website claims that Gibbs and her husband of four years divorced last year, in what appears to have been a messy split.

With the help of a rocket scientist (who just so happens to be her new beau’s brother), Gibbs blasted the rocket from a launch pad on Banks Peninsula.

“I just thought that was awesome and it was a really liberating experience for me, and while it was for me, it was also for him, to let him know it was completely over,” Gibbs told Stuff.co.nz.

Although I’m sure the rocket launch was freeing, maybe she should have checked out my article before going all Apollo 13 on us. Girl, you know you could have gotten cash for that, right?

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