Eventful: M2 Design by Mary Margrill

I popped into Bloomingdale’s yesterday to run a quick errand, but before I could get in and out in the 10 minutes I had allotted myself, I spied an open jewelry arrangement that I couldn’t pass by. Mary Margrill, of M2 (M2 is pronounced em squared), was in-store to meet customers and talk about her line. She was a pleasure, and I could feel the purpose and cohesiveness of her design.

Jewelry designer Mary Margrill, of M2, at Bloomingdale’s


Margrill’s pieces are spiritual and meaningful. New on display were M2’s tokens, small chunky circles with central cutouts and inscriptions on the sides. Although she usually works in gold, Margrill now is exploring mixing diamonds with sterling silver.

Tokens of affection, from M2 

M2 also offers personal pendants based on your “life path” number. I’m a “1”—on a path of beginnings, independence, and leadership; my mantra is “I am ready and able.” (To find your number, add up all the digits of your birthday until you reach a single digit, ex., 02/15/2008 = 2 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 8 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9. To find your mantra, click here.) Customers create delicate necklaces with their number and a tag inscribed with their mantra.

M2 Valentine’s Day display, at Bloomingdale’s

Margrill picked Valentine’s Day to mingle with her customer base, and really, who better to walk you through such a thoughtful purchase than the designer herself?


Explore more of Margrill’s design aesthetic at the M2 Web site, and keep your eyes open for her new collection based on goddesses.

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