EBay Announces Holiday Collection With Leading Designers

Following in the footsteps of the recently announced Target-Neiman Marcus collaboration, online marketplace eBay announced a limited-edition holiday collection featuring gift items fashioned by leading designers.

The designers involved include Billy Reid, Chris Benz, Fallon, Jonathan Adler, Ruffian, Steven Alan, and Tibi. The eBay Holiday Collective will feature jewelry as well as other apparel and accessories.

The items will be available on eBay for the 2012 holiday season, at “Buy it Now” prices from $50 to $100, with free U.S. and international shipping.

This marks the first time eBay is collaborating with designers to create an exclusive collection, the company said.

“Our partners were chosen based on their genuine enthusiasm for eBay and because each brings originality and a distinct point of view, and embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of our marketplace,” Jeff Somers, GM of fashion for eBay, said in a statement.

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