Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

I have succumbed.  Following in the esteemed footsteps of my colleague Jennifer, I am now on Twitter under “RobbatesJCK.” Follow me here. To be honest, I am not sure what I’m going to do with my “feed,” except update it every time I write a news story or blog post, or perhaps see an article I’ve found that’s worth reading.    But maybe it will facilitate some conversations, and we’ll see how it goes. I’m also on linkedin. So add or follow me and we can social network our little hearts out.


And, remember, you can always reach me at my email: rbates – at – reedbusiness.com – if you want to do it old school. (Is that old school now?)


And now the news …


Retail sales beat expectations.

– “Possible stabilization”?


JSA: Jewelry crime up in 2008.


Breaking down Robbins Brothers plan.

– Interview with president of Spence Diamonds.


Zale’s Finlay lease and credit card issues.


Finlay’s new agreement with CEO. Gets $1 mil bonus!



Kenny G on Birks and Mayors.


Rap slashes prices again.


Gottschalks still talking to buyers.


Target to open 27 stores.


Saks “in serious danger.”


Will Collectors Universe exploit AGL name?


Michael Hill profit falls 37%.


Treasury auctioning “drug tainted jewels.”   Quotes an “expert.”

Official release.


Big Indian manufacturers see “better margins.”

– Indian “companies and jewelers responsibility.”


Boston: DTC system needs to be “dynamic.”

– Wyndham: “Record interest” in tenders.


Botswana mine continues expansion.

– Letter: Debswana “caught napping?”


Russia’s diamonds “up for grabs.”


MJSA show “upbeat and busy.”


Friedman’s creditors get “more than expected.”


Fortunoff liquidation hype “insensitive.”


Controversey over Yelp.com.


West Virginia jeweler sues D’Annunzio.


Jewelers Opening:

Na Hoku in Peabody.


Jewelers Missing:

Victoria Jewelers in Valencia.


Chaim on Tel Aviv bank case.

DMIA’s “Night with Chaim.”


Tahera gets $1 million financing.


Target suspends Sierra Leone diamond operations.


$5 million diamond sold at Dutch art fair.


Industry people on Forbes billionaire list include Oppenheimer, Graff, Steinmetz, etc.  


“Diamond windows” on air force jets.


Ghandi’s watch fetches $2.1 million.

– Lincoln’s watch has secret note.


Media Watch:

Wired has long article on the 2003 Antwerp diamod heist.

ABC Nightline (video), local news station and NJ Star Ledger on buying gold.

Reuters on the industry’s woes in general.

Reuters on the industry’s woes in India.

Irin on the industry’s woes in Botswana.

Financial Times has Jwaneng photo essay.

NPR: “Treasure Among Blood Diamonds”

NY Times visits Fortunoff’s liquidation sale.

NY Times on a “green jeweler.”

NY Times blog profiles Tom Binn’s megastore.

Columbia News Service on male engagement rings.

Interesting story on “The lure of the engagement ring.”

The Guardian on Gerald Ratner’s “comeback.”


From the Blog:

Zale, Finlay and Those Bailey Banks Leases.

Robbins Brothers: Breaking It Down
Interview with President of Spence Diamonds.


Have a great weekend …


JCK News Director

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