Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup


This week … Burmese rubies, watermelon-sized emeralds, and round-tripping diamonds … All below … 


Talk grows of end to Burmese ruby ban.


World’s largest emerald to be auctioned.

– Is it a dyed white beryl?


2012 Outlook

– Analysts see slow first half.

– Avi Krawitz: Chinese market “growth slowing”

– Swiss watchmakers brace for tougher 2012.

– Gold price predicted to keep rising. 


Diamond demand varies at Vicenza.


Who wore what jewelry to Golden Globes.


Antwerp officials divided over prosecution of diamond industry.


India imposes new diamond duty.

– Edahn Golan: Due to “round-tripping.”


Tara Jewels files for IPO.


My thoughts: Lazare Kaplan and the wormy rock.

– Chaim Even-Zohar on the industry and its bankers. ($)


Leo Schachter now Israel’s largest diamond exporter. Leviev drops from list.


Jewelers grading their own diamonds—a good thing?


GemDialogue inventor Howard Rubin dies. A very nice man whom I’ve known probably as long as I’ve been doing this. I’m very sorry to hear. He will be missed.


DTC relocation to Botswana gathers steam.


De Beers appoints new CFO—from Anglo.


JSA: New alarm scam targets jewelers.


ArtCarved Bridal cuts off 15 percent of retailers.


Sam’s Club gets new CEO.


Tiffany signs new deal in the United Arab Emirates.


New blood diamond documentary coming.


Argyle production impacted by weather.


Rio Tinto diamond production drops 15 percent.


Zimbabwe finance minister appeals for end of U.S. diamond sanctions.

– U.S. ambassador tells Zim it “won’t abuse” KP chairmanship.


Government tightens control over Marange mines.


Angola to ramp up diamond exploration.


South Korea recalls ambassador due to diamond scandal.


Leagle.com on D.J. Diamond Imports vs. Silverman Consultants.  


Research may help miners locate diamonds.

– How a diamond is like a champagne cork.


Ohio readers remember local jewelry stores.


E-news reporter uses naughty term regarding Charlize Theron’s relationship with diamonds.


Media Watch:

Los Angeles Times on jewelers and the red carpet.

The New York Post on colored diamonds.

Chicago Tribune has advice on diamond shopping.

The Huffington Post on Kay Jewelers commercials and lesbians.

Elite Daily on pink vs. blue diamonds.


From the Blog:

Jewelers Grading Their Own Diamonds—A Good Thing?

Lazare Kaplan and the Wormy Rock.


From JCK Magazine:

My article on search engine optimization.



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