Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

In the news… What metals are in those medals … J.C. Penney finds new and innovative ways to confuse its consumers.… And another crisis for diamonds?…  All below…


Internet sales tax may pass soon.

– My thoughts: What it may mean for jewelers.

 – NRF blog quotes local jeweler.


Retailers can now charge extra for credit card purchases.


U.S. retail sales fell in June.

– Smaller retailers outperforming larger ones.


Proof: Independent jewelers have been reported to be dying for 100 years.


De Beers profits fall 50 percent in first quarter.

– Chaim Even Zohar: The diamond “crash of 2012”?

– DTC sightholders expected to reject goods.

– Avi Krawitz: “Game has changed” for sightholders.

– Indian diamond dealers worry about price drops.

– More Surat polishers to lose jobs.


Indians form committee on lab-grown diamonds.


Pawnshops “going upscale.”


Jewelry and accessories top Pinterest purchases.


EBay announces holiday collection for leading designers.


J.C. Penney plans to eliminate cash registers.

– Shoppers mixed on idea.

Transcript of CEO speech at Fortune conference.

– Penney’s sales “will get worse before it gets better.”

– Gives out free kids haircuts.

– Martha Stewart “genius bar”?

– Columnist: Apple took a while to catch on.

– Shareholder Ackman keeps the faith.


Signet increases share repurchase program.

– Motley Fool on its margin outlook.


Tiffany stock “receives upgrade.”

– Shares rise.


Titan not buying Harry Winston.


Diamond Circle Capital releasing portfolio.

– Edahn Golan on the history of diamond investment funds.


Chow Tai Fook profit jumps.


Nielsen Jewelry Group VP Chris Casey leaves company.


Joshua J. Fine Jewelry appoints new sales manager.


Belle Étoile appoints new West Coast sales director.


Swatch reaches agreement to reduce supplies to watchmakers.


California cracks down on lead-filled jewelry.


British to easy Zimbabwe diamond sanctions.

– Former foreign minister Hain opposes.


Zimbabwe call to renegotiate diamond deals.


Swaziland worried about “blood diamonds.”


Jordanian jeweler fined for undeclared diamonds.


French city demands Crown Jewels as reparations for old murder.


Losing wedding ring is less stressful than losing your phone.


Engagement ring found in Lake Erie.


JCK answers: Where do Olympic gold medals come from?


Five people who have had diamonds in their mouths.


Media Watch:

– Someone from Barron’s visits Fifth Avenue jewelers.

CNN on Botswana and De Beers.


From the Blog:

What Will an Online Sales Tax Mean for Jewelers?

Independent Jewelers Have Reportedly Been Dying for 100 Years.



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