Denver Jeweler’s Bracelet Featured in Hit Music Video

Denver jeweler BB Becker believes a series of events ordained by a higher power led to a bracelet he designed being featured in the hit music video “Wherever You Are” by Military Wives Choir.

The video of the song—a No. 1 hit in the United Kingdom—features the bracelet as its first image. The image showcases an engraved quotation displaying words from Gandhi: “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” 

A series of fortuitous events led the piece into the hands of one of the singers in Military Wives Choir.

Becker had sold the Gandhi-inspired bracelet to David Baker of River Oak Diamonds in England, who in turn sold it to a mother of a soldier serving in Afghanistan. The woman then gave the jewelry piece to her daughter-in-law, a singer with the choir.  

“It is amazing,” Becker tells JCK. “I didn’t even know about it until three weeks ago. I am happy to play a part in something beautiful.”

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